If we look back the past,we remember the happiness and sadness of our life,the memories that you and your friends shared,the crazy things that you do,and the things that you done even it is a good or bad and also your accomplishment in life.And after you remember all of this memories you will notice that you are smiling and in the same time the tears on your eyes flow into your face.And that tears that we see in the face of a person means not only in sadness bu it is also referred to the happy memories that we encounter in our life.
When we cry the tears flow down in our face even when we are happy.And sometimes when we see a person crying and have tears in his eyes or face we simply say or conclude that,that person is sad,but not all crying faces are suffering sadness.Sometimes the tears that we see is a tears of joy,joy or happiness that we treasured someday and memories that make us feel good and happy.